Our program strives to work together, with you to become closer in Christian community to live as Jesus taught us: through love, faithfulness, scripture, faith-sharing and example.
Religious Education
Faith Formation (CCD)
Classes meet Sunday mornings after the 9:00 and 11:00 Masses in the Parish Hall
- PreK – 5th-grade, 10:00 – 10:50 am
- 6th – 12th-grade, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
- Sacred Art class, PreK – 5th grade, 12:00 – 1:00pm
Welcome to St. Cecilia’s Faith Formation Program (formerly known as CCD). Unpacking the truths of the Faith and developing a deep relationship with God is a lifelong process and essential for peace and happiness in our unpredictable and chaotic world. Our goal is to support families in that ongoing process by providing children with religious education that not only teaches what we believe as Catholics but also why we believe it, giving them a solid faith foundation on which to build happy and successful lives.
This year, we are also offering a Sacred Art class on Sundays after the 11:00 Mass. The class is being offered primarily to assist families with children in both the 10:00am and 12:00pm class sessions with scheduling, but is open to all children in PreK – 5th grade.
Students will learn to use their creativity to connect with God by working on Catholic-themed art projects.
Sacramental Preparation
1st Reconciliation/1st Communion and Confirmation
Monthly sessions, as scheduled, Sundays, 6:30 – 7:45 PM in the Parish Hall
2024-2025 SCHEDULE: Sept. 15, Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Dec. 15, Jan. 26, Feb 23, March 16, April 13
1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion
Students in second grade or above, who have completed a full year of religious education, either in a parish Faith Formation program or a Catholic school curriculum, may register for our Sacramental Prep program for Reconciliation and Eucharist. Registration requirements for our program are:
- Registered parishioner of St. Cecilia
- Regular weekly Mass attendance
- Ongoing faith formation class, either in a weekly parish program or Catholic school curriculum
- Attendance at all Sacramental prep sessions (at least 1 parent must attend with the child)
- Required forms must be completed and submitted before the first session
- Copy of baptismal certificate
In the Diocese of Venice, preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation normally begins in the 9th grade, with the celebration of Confirmation occurring at the end of 10th grade. Students who have been baptized and have received 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion may register for our Sacramental Prep program for Confirmation. If your child is of age but has not received the other Sacraments of Initiation(Baptism and Eucharist), please contact the Faith Formation office, 239-936-3635, to schedule an appointment.
Registration requirements for our program are:
- Registered parishioner of St. Cecilia
- Regular weekly Mass attendance
- Ongoing faith formation class, either in a weekly parish program or Catholic school curriculum
- Must attend at least 1 of the 2 monthly Youth Group meetings
- Attendance at all Sacramental prep sessions
- Required forms must be completed and submitted before the first session
- Copy of baptismal certificate
Youth Group
First Friday of the month, 5:30 – 7:30, starting in the Parish Hall and ending in the Chapel.
Open to ALL 7th – 12th graders
The youth are the future of the Church! Youth Ministry at Saint Cecilia aims to guide our youth in developing a spiritual foundation that will equip them to live out their Catholic faith into adulthood by focusing on three key areas of spiritual development:
- Social – building a faith community
- Service – active involvement and participation in the work of the Church
- Sanctity – fostering a deep prayer life and relationship with God
Join us for an evening of games, refreshments, service opportunities, and prayer. Registration is required.