“In the catechism it is stated that death is the separation of soul and body, that is all! Well, I am not afraid of a separation which will unite me to the good God forever.” -St. Therese of Lisieux
Bereavement Ministry
We minister to those that mourn the loss of their loved ones, and we prayerfully support those in our Parish whose situation cannot be labeled.
If the deceased is a member of our parish, a team of volunteers is available for the preparation, serving, and clean up of a meal provided by the family. Loved ones are comforted as stories, photos, or videos are shared. The use of the hall is based upon availability.
Our Grief Journey
The bereavement group at St. Cecilia – Our Grief Journey – is held 2 times per year.
Any parishioner or friend who has experienced the loss of someone they love is welcome! If you are grieving, whether it has been months or years (grief has no “time table”), please consider a commitment to our six week program, OGJ. It has helped others at St. Cecilia to find hope and even joy. A trained facilitator provides some educational help, but it is your participation, sharing your stories, that makes a difference. Jesus uses them to comfort and walk with us on our journey. It is a free program. Call Elvia, 239-936-3635 ext. 116, to sign up.